lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

¿Que te gusta o quien te ama?

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Marriage and, to a large extent, relationships are clouded by this all important question: "Should one follow the one they love or should they follow the one who loves them?" Love should be self-sacrificing but so many expectations are attached to it.

According to many scholars, it is very difficult for two people to mutually fall in love at the same time. Usually, one person develops more feelings for the other and moves closer. Over time, the other party may develop similar feelings for this person and a mutual love relationship develops. At times, however, the other party never develops similar feelings or the feelings so developed do not bear similar intensity. As such, a mutual relationship may not develop. These two people may thus part ways or the first person may still hold on, hoping that with time things may change. Although the waiting may at times be very long or may never yield a thing, some people never give up or never develop such strong interest in other people.

Serona met and immediately fell in love with Salo. For her, it was love on first sight. Salo did not know that his physique, character or something in him had pierced the feeble heart of Serona. Over time, Serona tried to win over Salo. She tried to make him feel and reciprocate the love she had for him, something that Salo was not doing quickly.

He was lukewarm to her approach and although he never rejected or said no, there was no equivocal yes. Her mood was not dulled and the intensity of her desire to win him for herself increased immense.

They would visit each other time and again but she never got the quality time she was looking for from him. He was always busy. Due to the love she had for him, she stood all the crap from him including him entertaining other women at her presence. Her solace was, "if only I can get a share him, if I can only make him appreciate me, I would not mind how many people I got to compete with". She counted months into years and gave up.

Years after she had entered into another relationship with a man who was very loving, Salo called her for a date at his place. At the spur of the moment, all her former feelings for him were aroused and without butting an eyelid, she said yes. Now she is having a war in her mind: whether to take him or continue with her boyfriend. All signs show that his intention may not be the best. Although he claims to have loved her all along and was only shy to tell her, he has just broken up with his girlfriend and he rarely calls her, just like he never used to call her before. She has a decision to make.

Mwamu, a saleslady attendant in one of the leading supermarkets in Nairobi, is a bitter lady. She learnt how to love through a messy break-up. Although she had her first date at fifteen, during her last year in secondary school, she finished school two years older - 20 years - than her classmates, she met a guy online and deeply fell for him. From the onset, Bema, her senior by five years, was her dream man and after their first date she never looked back. She fell head over heels for him. On his side, Bema was not interested in a relationship but rather a short fling.

Mwamu gave all her efforts to the relationship. She ignored family and friends, a move that so her differ with her family hence being forced out. Three months into her relationship, Bema became different. He seemed to be busy and didn't like the idea of her visiting very often. On the forth month, he broke-up with her.

She could not believe it. She called him at least five times a day persuading him to change his mind. When she failed, she approached her friends who too were not successful. Mwamu knew very few of Bema's friends or relatives but the idea that he was just gone could not tick in her head.

In pursuit of her love, she quit college and sought short passion with different men, married ones were not spared, with the view of making Bema jealous. He got himself another girl. Mwamu almost went berserk. She could not sustain a relationship because she felt her heart belonged to Bema.

Occasionally, Bema would call Mwamu to his place, have good time with her (she was overly willing because she thought it would bring them close again) and see her off. He only ever wanted to see her once fortnightly. On every occasion, against her wish, he advised her to get a boyfriend for herself.

After pursuing his shadow for over two years, she finally gave up. She claims that she loves him with all her heart and will never stop loving him. She also sees him as her future husband. Bema on the other hand closed his book as far as Mwamu is concerned and terms their short stay as a bad dream. He however says that he would not hesitate to have a 'no-strings' affair with her.

Is there a man so shy as to express his love to a woman who is showing interest in her?

The answer to this question is simply NO. When a man feels love for a woman, he will usually draw the woman's attention. The man usually gets interested in the things that interest the woman or those that she is involved in and starts taking part. He will usually compliment the woman on what she does and find reasons to cross her path, also, he will talk positively of her not only to his friends but to her friends as well. If a man or woman loves someone and is only shy to tell them, then the shy person will remain single for as long as the love still exists inside their heart. Contrary to this, then the person will only be lying to have been shy to express their love.

When a man loves a woman, he will do anything for her as long as he has the ability. He will jealously want her for himself and yearn to make her feel his presence every time through calling, messaging or visiting.

It takes a long time or even forever for a man to develop love for a woman he does not fancy. The woman might be hot but if the man does not feel the thrill for her, he will never love her. Conversely, he might as well not brush her off but just keep her around incase of a rainy day. It is a common occurrence that when people have intense feelings for others, the feelings rarely go away. These people are always ready to do anything for the people they desire regardless of their current situation (a woman so deep in desire for a man may breakup a current relationship to get to him, the same happens to men).

Women on the other hand have a soft spot. It is their nature to be approached by men hence more often than not, they have to choose from what comes their way. This phenomena denies women the chance of becoming hunters hence they have to readily accept to be preyed on. Thus, women have the ability to develop love for people they may not initially have desire for unlike men.

With this knowledge, should one marry the one they love or should they marry the one who loves them? This is the question of our life because it is very tough to forget the person you and even harder to forget the one who loved you. When you get married to the person you love, you can be sure they will be lucky, they will get love; but think about yourself, what will you get?

If you are married by a person who loves you, you will be sure to get love and you can hope if you find a loving person what reason could be there that you cannot start loving them.

Everyone wants to marry the one they love. But there are times that the ones we love, don't love us the way we love them. A problem creeps in; because we love them, we give them more than we can and at times they become abusive and think that they can just treat us in whatever way they desire. This will bring a feeling of being neglected and unhappiness will set in thus making the relationship a havoc until nothing works out anymore. When a guy loves a girl, he will create ways to make her fall in love with him, will treat her well and before long, they both will be in love. Girls rarely make guys fall in love with them, they simply make the men stay with them.

Recently, a friend of my friend Temu was in a dilemma. She had got a proposal from a guy who has had hots for her for quite a while. She was torn between accepting it or waiting for the guy she loves to propose. Most of the people who offered advise where women. The key advice was, "go for the man who loves you, along the way, you will learn to love him; if you go for the one you love, he will never make you feel loved and you will never change him to love you".

When you are with the person whom you love, your expectations will dominate and in the other way, the other's feelings will dominate. It smidgens a lot when the person whom you love hurts you and the person who loved you is ditched by you.

On whether to go for the one you love or the one who loves you, it will depend. It is very easy and it works on many occasions for a man to marry the woman he loves and live happily ever after. While it often for ladies to marry the men who love them even when their love for them is minimal. Women are better at learning to love the people who love them than men.

If you are looking for a relationship, try out these.

Solomon M Kiawa
a freelance writer in any field of interest but finds peace in writing sale, advertising, human resource and marketing issues.

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